Tuesday, September 26, 2006

feeling mild disappointment

Last year, about this time, an entry form for the Nottingham Open came in the post. It was pretty exciting, not least because I had no idea how my name had got on the mailing list. So I spent some time on putting my entry together, sent it off, sat about for a while and had no real expectation of getting in.

Then I got in. Grand. Went to the opening, felt rather strange as I didn’t know anyone but they all did. Saw some good stuff, saw some poor stuff, saw my picture looking very small on the gallery wall, despite being the biggest print I’d ever done. Weeks later the show finished, I picked up my picture and that was that. I didn’t receive any emails, comments, feedback, sales… but still, it had been good to get in.

This year, a couple of weeks ago, an entry form for the Nottingham Open came in the post. It was pretty exciting because this year I had some really great stuff I’d just been working on. So I spent some time putting my entry together, sent if off, sat about for a while and had full expectations of getting in.

Then I didn’t get in. Arse. Funny how that happens, I blame expectations. For my next trick I will compile an entry for Parade at Angel Row, I have no expectation…

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

homity pie

autumn comes, red jumper and homity pie. i like homity pie.

Friday, September 08, 2006

provisional future #3

provisional future #3
Originally uploaded by monkeyinfez.

Driving through the desert I am on the edge of space. Bleak, barren landscapes stretch up toward the sky; pylons reach for the stars; road unrolls as steadily and evenly as the contrail of a rocket ship, a copper wire, a smoking chimney. To our sci-fi future: it is here. Here in the desert where moon-scape meets advanced industry. Where ingenuity and engineering tame and harnesses rivers, where railroad cages the open landscape and shrinks it as to our will, where the future is tested and designed and developed and built and stands over us, monolithic, secretive, hidden in the wide, wide, open, behind the beautiful barren landscape, within the ugly, barren lives, and just beyond reach of today.